I started commenting on this post with the intention of writing a few words. But it went somewhere else I didn’t expect. Here is my comment: A few ideas to think about on being a generalist or specialist. 👇
I agree with you. Besides, only big enough businesses need and can afford specialist services with surgical precision.
Small businesses and solopreneurs need generalists who are good at/know what they are doing.
99% of the time they can’t afford the services they require separately provided by specialists.
I think everyone jumps on the “pick a niche and be a specialist” bandwagon without much thought and miss out on the huge market of generalist-fitted services.
I also think the buzz around being a specialist narrative is caused by “gurus” creating hype around it to sell their programs.
Another grain of thought: The rewards of being a specialist were greater when the algorithms needed to categorize what you do to serve the best results to the audience. That landscape shifted a lot recently. Now they can differentiate individual pieces of information. 👇
For example, yesterday I commented on a similar post to this very post. The algorithm showed this post to me today.
We are in very interesting times.
Oh dear, exceeding the character limit. Anyway…
I was going to write a few sentences but look at where we are. I think I’ll write more on this topic.
Oh, by the way, I’m both a generalist and specialist.
Link the the post mentioned: